domingo, 8 de novembro de 2009

Hello, hello...

Hello, dear...
Are you dreaming now...?
I wonder if you feel me here...
Are weak dear?
Are you hurt?
I wonder if it'll tear us apart...

Hello you...
Now, what should I be saying...?
I'm wondering,
How did you became who you are
To be now asleep, traveling,
Throug lands so far...

Hello, my love...
I wonder if you'll ever make a move...
I wonder
Will you stay there forever
Pretendig you don't feel me here...?
I wonder
Will you keep snoring
Like sleeping beauty used to, dear...?

Hello to-day.
Won't you, my sun, come out?
For you've taken away
All I cared about...
How much am I to wait?
For you to decide my fate...?

Hello to-morow.
Aren't you coming back, dear?
Are you leaving me this hollow...?
I wonder when
You'll wake up, and see me here...
I wonder If
I'll ever fell your warmth again...

Hello, hello...
You face is so pale...
You hands are so cold...
How can I show
That I'm not that frail
When this moon's eyes are shut,
And this moon's tears won't stop.
For this moon's heart won't beat
'till the sun shines for it.

Escrito por Aline Hikari, 16, para seu namorado, Thiago, 18, dia 7 de novembro.
Thiago está em coma há 8 dias.

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